Thursday, May 15, 2014, 2:24 PM

2014 Legislative Short Session - Education bills introduced week of May 12th

The NC General Assembly kicked off its 2014 Short Session (adjournment goal of July 4th is reasonable) with bill introductions that are relevant:

·         HB 1041 (Howard) and SB 754 (Hartsell) – Charter School Preliminary Approval Process.  This is a recommendation of the Administrative Procedures Oversight Committee and has been introduced in each chamber by that chamber’s co-chair.  It would allow local boards of education as well as constituent institutions of UNC to grant preliminary approvals to charters.  Final approval must come from the State Board of Education.

·         HB 1042 (Howard) and SB 752 (Hartsell) – Clarify Charter Application Process.  This is a recommendation of the Administrative Procedures Oversight Committee and has been introduced in each chamber by that chamber’s co-chair.  It appears to be the bill that Senator Tillman has also been working on.  This contains language to offer a “fast-track” approval for replicated charters.

·         HB 1084 (Insko and Glazier) – Charter Schools/EIPs/New Accountability Standard.  This bill would stipulate that charter schools with a high percentage of special needs students would have a new accountability standard.

·         HB 1085 (Insko and Glazier) – Increase Charter School Accountability.  This bill would increase accountability of charter schools to DPI and would appropriate funds for two new positions; it would require criminal background checks of the initial Boards of Directors; names the Board of Directors as having control of the school and the charter; requires a site visit to school by DPI; provides remediation requirements for charters not meeting standards, and other provisions.

·         HB 1107 (Holloway) – Restore Lottery for School Construction.  Increases percentage of lottery funds for School Building Construction Fund.  This bill is eligible for introduction because it impacts the state budget.

·         SB 787 (Apodaca) – Teacher Funds Must be 51% of Budget.  Requires that 51% of state appropriations for schools be used for funding teachers.  This bill is eligible for introduction because it impacts the state budget.


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